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SH3 Commander - nowy mod Beery'ego

Moderatorzy: Jatzoo, dragonfly

Posty: 32 • Strona 1 z 21, 2

SH3 Commander - nowy mod Beery'ego

Postprzez Jagdtiger » 06.06.05, 07:44

Czy ktoś oprócz mnie i Boba Fetta testował tego moda?

Jako że ja i Boba jesteśmy zwolennikami jak największego realizmu to zarzuciliśmy sobie tego kolejnego doskonałego moda autorstwa Beery'ego (ten sam co zrobił Real Uboota). Istotną zmianą wprowadzaną w tym modzie jest np brak możliwości zasejwowania po zniszczeniu naszego okrętu. Tak więc śmierć w grze oznacza konieczność ponownego zaczęcia kariery. Boba już trzeci raz zaczyna :) ja się jakoś trzymam na 6-tym patrolu z 130 tys. BRT na koncie (100% realizm, manualne celowanie).

Mod też wprowadza więcej komunikatów radiowych oraz dźwięki do gramofonu np przemówienie Hitlera itp itd.
Tonaż: 508.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 16.02.03, 20:43
Lokalizacja: 3miasto

Postprzez majama » 06.06.05, 18:27

130 tysiecy BRT na manualnym celowaniu to dobry wynik, ja uważam za sukces zatopienie jednego statku na patrol w tym realiźmie. Musisz miec dobre oko przy ustawianiu odległości do celu, mnie to zwykle gubi.
Gram ciagle na podstawowej wersji ze zbieraniną modow i przeróbek które zaakceptowałem.
Tego moda wypróbuje jak kupie naped DVD. (a propo czy to prawda że to zabezpieczenie uniemozliwia podłaczenie gry na obrazie płyty i trezba zajezdzac naped koniecznie?)
Tonaż: 340.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 19.04.05, 13:14
Lokalizacja: Szczecin

Postprzez majama » 06.06.05, 18:56

A co do tego rozpoczynania zawsze po smierci od nowa to kwestia charakteru, ja zawsze gram od nowa (czasem nawet bez smierci, bo tak sie save-y kaszanią w wersji 1.00, na początku postanowiłem przezyc wojne, ale juz conajmniej 8 razy mnie zatopili i nigdy dotad nie wyszedłem poza 1940 rok :)
Tonaż: 340.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 19.04.05, 13:14
Lokalizacja: Szczecin

Postprzez Boba Fett » 07.06.05, 08:01

130 tys brt to wspaniale osiagniecie, ale wcale nielatwo zdobyte :) To wiele dni spedzonych na sledzeniu, podchodzeniu, ustawianiu sie itd, do konwoju. A potem te kilkadziesiat decydujacych minut gdy topredy dochodza celow i nastepne wiele godzin na ucieczke, co w przypadku RU1.3 jest juz hardcorem :twisted: Na forum ubikacji sa "asy" robiacy 100 tys w jeden rejs, tyle ze na 30% realizmu :lol:
Ja narazie jestem w trakcie 1 patrolu 3 kariery, moje lupy to dwa smail frachty, co do jednego nie jestem pewien bandery :) Okaze sie w porcie. Wciaz czekam na "swoj" konwoj, jeden juz mijalem, ale eskorta skutecznie trzymala mnie na odleglosc uniemozliwiajac atak. Caly dzien w plecy poszedl ;)
Boba Fett
Leutnant zur See
Tonaż: 111.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 20.04.05, 00:23
Lokalizacja: North Atlantic

Postprzez Jagdtiger » 23.06.05, 22:43

Jest już nowy Sh3 Cmdr 1.40b
Tonaż: 508.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 16.02.03, 20:43
Lokalizacja: 3miasto

Postprzez Jagdtiger » 01.07.05, 08:10

A możliwe że już dzisiaj będzie nowy SH3 Cmdr 1.41

Edit: nie nadążam za Beery'm. Ma być ale SH3 Cmdr 1.42
Tonaż: 508.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 16.02.03, 20:43
Lokalizacja: 3miasto

Postprzez Jagdtiger » 01.07.05, 10:06

I już jest !!!!

Oczywiście wszystko do pobrania ze strony:

Wyciąg z readme:

SH3 Commander Pack version 1.41 (for use with SH3 version 1.4b and Real U-boat 1.41)

To install, simply unzip the SH3 Commander folder anywhere (I like to install it into the SilentHunterIII folder, but you may want it somewhere else).

SH3 Commander is a work in progress, so new features will be added as time permits.



Once SH3 Commander is installed, simply run the SH3Cmdr.exe file (in the SH3 Commander folder). The SH3 Commander window will appear. From here you can either activate a career by clicking on the drop-down list and selecting a career, or alternatively, you can leave the drop-down list for the time-being and enter the details you want for a single mission or to start a new career.

If you:

1. Choose a Career
If you choose an ongoing career from the drop-down list the 'Active Career Details' window will change to show details of your current career including a photo of your commander. From here, by clicking on the various buttons you can [Change...] your U-boat number, get a written [Summary...] of the selected career, enter the [Crew Manager] or select/deselect the Realistic Career Length checkbox (which randomizes the length of a career within historical limits). Once you've adjusted everything to your satisfaction click on 'Launch SH3'. The Commander will take a few seconds to load up the necessary files based on the details of the career, and then the game will start. Once in the game, just choose the campaign that matches the info you selected in the SH3 Commander. You're ready to go on patrol.

2. Start a New Career
When starting a new career you can pre-load the necessary files into the game if you know the date, U-boat type and the flotilla of the career. Enter the details, check the 'Prepare crew for a new career' box, and launch SH3. When you start your new career all the necessary details will be there.

3. Enter Details for a Single Mission
If you choose to enter details for a single mission, enter the details you want (date, U-boat type, and flotilla). If you prefer, you can check the box marked 'Prepare crew for a new career' (this randomizes the crew names). Then click on the Launch SH3 button. SH3 Commander will load up the necessary files and the game will automatically start.

SH3 Commander can only load files for one patrol at a time, so make sure you exit the game after every patrol. Then, when you want to start a new patrol just launch SH3 Commander and choose the career or mission you want to play as usual. But don't worry if you forget to launch the game via the Commander once in a while - it won't cause serious problems. It just means that you may see a news file from the wrong date, or your boat may have deeper crush depth characteristics, etc. These problems are minor and temporary,and they will go away as soon as you update the game by using SH3 Commander again.

If you ever want to go back to the standard game format, just click on the 'Rollback SH3' button. This will uninstall all the SH3 Commander-based mods.

Commander Images
Users can replace current images with their own. Provided they use the same file name and the image is in jpg format, their image will be included in the random generation. The image size should be the same to avoid stretch distortion.
Users can also add new jpg images to the end of the list. These can be called whatever they like (but with no commas in the name). These images will *not* be included in the random selection. To use these images, the user can simply double click on the current image and then choose the new image he wants to use.



The Commander installs files based on the date, flotilla or U-boat currently in use in a campaign. The program contains an exe file and a number of folders. The exe file accesses these folders based on the data from the career chosen in the Commander's user interface.

Each of the special folders inside the main SH3 Commander folder contains folders that the Commander accesses based on info in the game's campaign files. The 'Date' folder contains folders named for any date in the war, from September 1st 1939 (19390901) to May 9th 1945 (19450509), i.e. in YYYYMMDD format. Inside these can be placed files and folders in the game's standard format (for example: data\Menu\de_menu.txt). The Flotilla and U-boat folders work in a similar way, but instead of dates, these folders have folders named for the flotillas or U-boats used in the game. Mod-makers can simply place files that relate to a specific date, flotilla, or U-boat inside the relevant folders, and they will be inserted into the game appropriately.

New features in version 1.40b:
-improved rollback performance. Now much quicker - original SH3 files are backed up under the SH3 Commander structure;
-ability to change sub number;
-addition of "realistic career length" option (based on Beery's "roll of the dice" approach);
-exclusion of completed or "dead" careers from the career selection box.
-ability to create a career summary for viewing (txt file) and printing.

SH3 Commander by Jaesen Jones.



SH3 Commander Crew Manager component. With a simple click on the Crew Manager button, players can:
-promote and demote within type (ie Officers, Petty Officers and Sailors);
-change crewmen names;
-give and remove medals based on historic criteria;
-give and remove badges based on historic criteria;
-give, adjust and remove qualifications (3 for officers, 1 for petty officers and 1 for sailors);
-create a crew list for viewing (txt file) and printing.

The Crew Manager also warns if certain conditions are met, such as a crewman receiving medals before they are historically available, or if a crewman might be entitled to specific medals etc and allows a "one click" auto fix.

To use the Crew Manager, just select a crewman and click-and-drag medals, promote or demote the crewman by choosing from the ranks in the drop-down list, or click on the RN button to randomize his name. Clicking 'Apply' saves the changes. You can also build a crew list, saving the details of your crew and their accomplishments to a text file.

Note that if you award medals using Crew Manager some medals may accumulate in the game that can't be awarded. Either ignore these, or make sure to award medals in the game before doing so in Crew Manager.

Also note that Crew Manager-based promotions/medals/qualifications are cosmetic only, and to get the full benefit, always promote or award medals and qualifications from within SH3 if possible.

Crew Manager by Jaesen Jones.



This mod works via SH3 Commander to give the player:

Monthly news reports that appear when loading a patrol, and during the patrol.
A map of Europe and the Mediterranean which updates based on the progress of the war.
Historical radio broadcasts that appear at their correct dates. These play via the gramophone.
Correct availability dates for U-boats based on the historical date each flotilla received the boats.
Also included is a crush depth mod that gives players an increased crush depth for the Type VIIC/41 when they are using that boat in a campaign.

New in this version: 1939 flotilla names are included (1st Flotilla is named 'Weddigen', 2nd is 'Saltzwedel' and 7th is 'Wegener'.

NewsMod maps and text by Beery.
German translations by Nico71.
U-boat losses: 'Iron Coffins' by Herbert Werner.



This mod is based on an analysis of merchant ships sunk, damaged or totaled from 3 Sept., 1939 thru the end of the war. The results are randomized to provide a variation in merchant tonnage during each patrol. The variations are limited in order to keep the merchant tonnage as close to historical accuracy as possible, within the limitations of the SHIII engine.

At this time, only the tonnage for tankers (small, T2, T3) and cargo ships (coastal, small, C2, C3) have been altered. When using the museum feature in SHIII you can get an idea of the new tonnage values for the different types of ships, but keep in mind the tonnage values will vary from month-to-month and year-to-year.

Random Tonnage Mod by Observer.



Date-based files get loaded up a month BEFORE the date of the next patrol, so any file that is to be seen on that patrol has to be dated a month previously. It's also best to date generic monthly files (e.g. monthly news and maps) on the 2nd of the month, because if they're dated the 1st a new career (which doesn't have a month delay) will read them and will give 'news' from an upcoming month.

Radio files are a special case. These are still dated a month previously, but if they take place late in the month, a new career could load them up and a player could hear the message before it really happened. There's not a lot that can be done about this, but at least the likelihood is that this won't happen because the game doesn't 'accept' a new career until a patrol has been undertaken, so the player would have to start a career, start a patrol, and then save, then load up the career in SH3 Commander, and go back to the saved game.

Tonaż: 508.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 16.02.03, 20:43
Lokalizacja: 3miasto

Postprzez Jagdtiger » 01.07.05, 22:16

Czy ktoś ma zainstalowanego SH3 Cmdr 1.42 na RUB 1.42? Jeśli tak to po odpaleniu gry w SH3 Cmdr macie możliwość zaznaczenia swojej kariery i czy macie "crew managera" ?
Tonaż: 508.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 16.02.03, 20:43
Lokalizacja: 3miasto

Postprzez Jagdtiger » 31.07.05, 08:51

Jest już nowy SH3 Cmdr 1.43. Lista zmian:

New features include:

- Added ability to generate Commander name for new careers
- Now sets career (new and existing) in SH3 prior to loading, thus providing more integration with SH3
- "Realistic Length" preference now saved between uses
- Now correctly inserts tonnage information in Career Summary regardless of user's country
- Added ability to print Career Summaries and Crew Lists for dead and retired commanders
- Removed IC2 and Front Clasp from the Auto Fix routine (suggestions are still provided)
- Added realistic U-boat number selection by type and flotilla
- Translations of various features into German for those who play the game in German. Translations by Nico71.

For details of more features, see the help file that comes with the download.


- Monthly news reports that appear when loading a patrol, and during the patrol. Text by Beery, translation by Nico71.
- A map of Europe and the Mediterranean which updates based on the progress of the war. Map by Beery.
- Historical radio broadcasts that appear at their correct dates.
- Crush depth mod that gives players an increased crush depth for the Type VIIC/41.

New in version 1.42:
- 1939 flotilla names are included (1st Flotilla is named 'Weddigen', 2nd is 'Saltzwedel' and 7th is 'Wegener').

New in version 1.43:
- Added Random Tonnage Mod by Observer.
- Fuel resupply strategy simulated from April 1942 until December 1943 by extending range of Type VIIC during this time period.
- Bismarck features 3 paint schemes - the sea trials scheme which Bismarck used until March 1941 (scheme by Macstu23), the Operation Rheinubung scheme which was used from March until May 1941 (scheme by Beery), and the final scheme which was used when it sailed into the Atlantic (scheme by Type941).
- Merchant Variety Pack by Iambecomelife.
Tonaż: 508.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 16.02.03, 20:43
Lokalizacja: 3miasto

Postprzez Jevco » 02.08.05, 20:56


drobne pytanko z mojej strony. Czy SH3 cmdr pójdzie na wersji "demo" (SH3 1.0 ) ? W sumie byłoby mi bez różnicy jaka wersja ...
Wielkie dzięki za odpowiedź.

Fähnrich zur See
Tonaż: 32.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 08.07.05, 01:46
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz

Postprzez Myszkin » 02.08.05, 21:01

A pytasz o wersją demonstracyjną czy o wersję 1.0?
Kapitän zur See
Tonaż: 960.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 24.05.05, 15:57
Lokalizacja: Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski/Warszawa

Postprzez Jevco » 02.08.05, 21:08


mając na myśli wersje "demo" miałem na myśli wersje 1.0 gry, czyli nieoficjalną wersje (źródło: torrent) . A która wersja moda bedzie działać to w sumie nieistotne.

Fähnrich zur See
Tonaż: 32.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 08.07.05, 01:46
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz

Postprzez Jagdtiger » 02.08.05, 21:29

Tak na chłopski rozum bym powiedział że raczej nie ma szans żeby ruszyło na 1.0, ale nie sprawdzałem osobiście.
Tonaż: 508.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 16.02.03, 20:43
Lokalizacja: 3miasto

Postprzez Myszkin » 02.08.05, 21:33

To spróbuj z jakąś starszą wersją SH3 cmdra, ja mam wersję 1.42, jak coś to służę pomocą, znaczy plikiem.
Kapitän zur See
Tonaż: 960.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 24.05.05, 15:57
Lokalizacja: Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski/Warszawa

Postprzez Jevco » 02.08.05, 21:49

Testowanie 1.43 zakończone porażką. Patrol 2gi. 1 Flotylla, Kiel, 6 październik '39. U-5 Type IIA.

Program wszystko ładnie działa w windowsie - Crew Manager, U-boot,zdjęcie dowódcy wszystko OK. Jednak po uruchomieniu SH3 w Kielu nastąpiła ciemność. Myslalem, ze to noc, ale na sterburcie cos mocno świeci. Myslalem ze to latarnia, ale po chwili sie kapnąłem, że to słońce :-D Tak więc pupa.

Czy ma ktoś może starszą wersję działającą z SH3 1.0 ? Albo pierwszą wersje SH3 cmdr?

Fähnrich zur See
Tonaż: 32.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 08.07.05, 01:46
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz

Postprzez Myszkin » 02.08.05, 22:03

Jak chcesz to wyślę Ci wersję 1.42, tylko podaj adres.
Kapitän zur See
Tonaż: 960.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 24.05.05, 15:57
Lokalizacja: Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski/Warszawa

Postprzez Jevco » 02.08.05, 22:10


Wielkie dzięki

Fähnrich zur See
Tonaż: 32.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 08.07.05, 01:46
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz

Postprzez Myszkin » 02.08.05, 23:16

Ups, plik ma 19mb (zip) a ograniczenie poczty mojej to przesyłka 10mb. Ma ktoś jakiś pomysł jak to obejść?
Kapitän zur See
Tonaż: 960.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 24.05.05, 15:57
Lokalizacja: Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski/Warszawa

Postprzez Jevco » 02.08.05, 23:23

Dobra. Już nie trzeba :-P ściągnąłem 1.42 i też nie działa :-/ Szukam wersji 1.0 jednak ciężko mi to idzie.

Dzieki za pomoc i checi.

Fähnrich zur See
Tonaż: 32.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 08.07.05, 01:46
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz

Postprzez newMDKiller » 03.08.05, 08:39

Myszkin napisał(a): Ups, plik ma 19mb (zip) a ograniczenie poczty mojej to przesyłka 10mb. Ma ktoś jakiś pomysł jak to obejść?

Wiem, że to trochę poniewczasie, ale do takich spraw nadaje się znakomicie Skype. Jest tam opcja wyślij plik (nie ma ograniczeń co do wielkości, dodatkowo jest to szyfrowane). Jedyny minus to to, że osoba do której chcesz coś wysłać musi mieć włączonego Skype-a i musi potwierdzić, że chce odebrać ten plik, który jej wysyłasz. Działa to super, ja już nie korzystam z poczty przy wysyłaniu pliczków (te ograniczenia), no chyba, że akurat ten do kogo chcę wysłać coś jest nieaktywny (ale zawsze można się dogadać na GG).
Fähnrich zur See
Tonaż: 2.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 29.06.05, 10:29

Postprzez Jagdtiger » 20.09.05, 07:40

Jest zdaje się nowa wersja SH3Cmdr:

The new version of SH3 Commander (SH3 Commander Pack Release 2) is now available from www.beerymod.com/SH3Cmdr2.7z

Features new to this edition include:

- New interface
- Better integration with SH3 by linking Date/Flotilla/U-Boat selection to that allowed by SH3 when starting a new career (no more selecting XXI U-Boat in 33 Flotilla in 1939)
- Added ability to start new careers in any month between 9/39 and 5/45
- Added ability to randomise or set specific days spent in base
- Added ability to include (or remove) the "Hull Integrity %" text
- Added ability to use any one of three different types of fatigue handling models, with ability to add your own fatigue models
- Added ability to change next patrol grid
- Added ability to delete selected career from the hard drive
- Added ability to return Commanders from retirement
- Career Summary now retitled to Personnel File
- Now generates Personnel Files and Crew Lists in HTML format
- Now specifically advises if required information can not be found in career files when generating Commander history
- Added ability to check the internet for updates
- Many (interface) tweaks and code improvements

Users familiar with SH3 Cmdr should please read the readme file, as there are some changes which require deletion of 'Date' and 'Random' files from older versions.


Tonaż: 508.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 16.02.03, 20:43
Lokalizacja: 3miasto

Postprzez Jagdtiger » 02.10.05, 20:05

Do poprzedniej wersji SH3Cmdr Beery dodał uzupełnienie:

An updated version of SH3 Commander is now available. This is a minor core engine update - you must already have release 2 of SH3 Commander installed (available at www.beerymod.com/SH3Cmdr2.7z - the latest full download includes this patch).

Release notes:
- Now allows for the Silent Hunter III installation path to be forced via a /l switch, or manually entered if SH3 Commander cannot find it
- To accommodate future growth, career options are now contained in a pop-up menu, retitled "Actions"
- Now recognises and supports French text language setting in Silent Hunter III
- Added realistic crew transfers option; you may lose up to one crewman per patrol
- Added ability to force (corrected) ranks, medals and badges to display in Silent Hunter III in English (with American or British ranks) or German, regardless of in-game language setting
- Added ability to adjust deck gun reload times
- Added ability to adjust water density
- Now displays last patrol end date on existing career screen to allow for easier "specific days in base" calculations when wanting a specific next patrol start date
- Added new fatigue model based on RUb's 1x TC model
- Added new background image for generated HTML files
- Added new banner image
Tonaż: 508.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 16.02.03, 20:43
Lokalizacja: 3miasto

Postprzez kaa » 02.10.05, 21:58

fajnie. ja tylko dodam, że nie trzeba ściągać całego niemal 30 megowego pliku a wystarczy kliknąć "update" w posiadanym sh3 commanderze(półmegowy plik znajduje się pod tym adresem).
Tonaż: 320.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 19.04.05, 21:36
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Postprzez dragonfly » 13.10.05, 14:05

Powiedzcie mi jedno. Pierwszy raz zainstalowałem sobie SH3 Commander. Mam najnowszą wersję - Program wygenerował mi załogę. W grze wybrałem tą samą flotyllę, co w SH3Cmdr. Data też się zgadzała. Rozpocząłem pierwszy patrol. Jest zasejwowany, ale nie ukończony. W SH3Cmdr ta kariera nie jest widoczna! Czy kariera staje się "widzialna" dopiero po ukończeniu patrolu, czy coś jest nie tak?

I jeszcze jedno - gra z uporem maniaka losuje mi ten sam okręt - U-806 :x
Kapitän zur See
Kapitän zur See
Moderator Team
Tonaż: 800.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 22.09.03, 12:42
Lokalizacja: Żagań

Postprzez Uapa » 13.10.05, 14:12

to ja mam tez pytanko czy ktos ma wersje SH3 Commander kompatybilna z SH3 1.2PL lub 1.4PL bo najnowsza wersja dziala z 1.4b(tak pisze w readme)
Oberleutnant zur See
Tonaż: 289.000 BRT

Dołączył(a): 21.04.05, 19:21
Lokalizacja: Alt Stettin

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Posty: 32 • Strona 1 z 21, 2

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